AOU Application Form

AOU is now accepting applications for the following semesters:

Admission Center (*)  
Required documents
- Certified copy of the Lebanese Baccalaureate or its equivalent.
- Copy of the Individual Information Record, copy of the Identity Card or copy of the Passport.
- Application fee of 75$ (a rate of 35,000).

For non-Lebanese students, additional documents are required:
- Valid Residency Permit (if applicable).
- Residency Certificate (issued by the mayor).
- Employment Certificate (if applicable).
- Proof of funding.
- Equivalence of the Lebanese Baccalaureate by the Lebanese Ministry of Higher Education.
1- Applicant Personal Info
Personal Information (as per the provided official document)
المعلومات الشخصية بحسب المستند الرسمي المقدم
First Name (*)
Father Name (*)
Grandfather Name (*)
Family Name (*)
Mother's Maiden Name (*)
الإسم الأول (*)
اسم الاب (*)
اسم الجد (*)
الشهرة (*)
اسم الام و شهرتها (*)
Additional Information
Gender (*)
Marital Status (*)
Date Of Birth (*)
Birth Place (*)
مكان الولادة
Title (*)
Main Nationality (*)
Second Nationality
Registry Number (رقم السجل)

Please fill only one of the following three fields:
ID Number (رقم بطاقة الهوية)
Lebanese Kayd Number (رقم اخراج القيد)
Passport Number (رقم جواز السفر)
Contact Information
معلومات الاتصال
Country (*)
Phone Type (*)
Area Code (*)
Number (*)
Personal Email (*)
Home Address
مكان الاقامة في لبنان
District (*)
City (*)
Street (*)
Building (*)
Floor (*)
الشارع (*)
البناية (*)
الطابق (*)
2- Applicant Track Info
3- Applicant Additional Info
Upload Documents Please upload the following documents: (High School Certificate, ID, Personal Photo)

Document Type (*)

Do you have any unspent criminal conviction (*)
هل لديك أي إدانة جنائية غير منفذة (*)
If Yes, please specify:
AOU assures you of the confidentiality of the information and reserves all rights to use it only to further your academic progression.
تضمن لك الجامعة العربية المفتوحة سرية المعلومات وتحتفظ بجميع الحقوق لاستخدامها فقط لتعزيز تقدمك الأكاديمي.

(*) indicates required fields.